maanantai 18. syyskuuta 2017

Home is where your heart is

Viime torstaina palasin lähes kuukauden reissulta Italiasta. Matka herätti paljon ajatuksia, joiden jäsentelyssä läpikäymisessä kulunee vielä paljon aikaa. Halu kirjoittaa heräsi jälleen kuukausien kadoksissaolon jälkeen. Tänään en kuitenkaan kirjoita tämän enempää, mutta jaan tänne blogiinkin Facebook-päivitykseni reissuni kotiinpaluupäivältä.

"The automatic message from an airline literally hit home, even though it was about my flight(s) back home to Finland. But then again, where is home exactly? The proverb claims home to be where your heart is, and I usually take my heart with me wherever I go, so that might explain why it felt like I had arrived just where I belonged the minute I landed in Rome on August 18th.
The 28 days I spent in Italy were filled with complete happiness, beauty, wonder and shameless escapism, new friends, experiencing hospitality I had never imagined would actually exist, finding new sides of myself and accepting that children can stay up until midnight. There was also a lot of waiting: for trains, in trains, in lines, for people to show up - but then again all I had was time, so waiting was just another way to spend it.

I have a new love affair with something that will always be there, I can revisit it whenever I want to and it will forever offer the excitement of discovering something new. I felt sad knowing I had to leave, but why should I be sad when I have all this love and happiness to take with me, all I've seen, heard, felt and experienced? After all how much I will miss this place only proves how deeply I've fallen in love with it, and that is probably the best reason to come here again. And again. And again.
Then there's the one thing I'm slightly worried about: coffee. I mean, I will never give up tea, but thanks to the non-existing tea culture in Italy I know what coffee actually tastes like now, and to my own surprise I've found myself craving for it on the daily basis. While I know I can learn to speak Italian - and I will, just wait - I do have my doubts about learning how to make actually good coffee. I think I will give it a try though. And when I fail miserably in my efforts, then I can just come back here to get my fix. Problem solved!"